Used to determine the designation of a donation within a nonprofit organization. When using Salesforce NPSP, this is generally defined as the GAU record.
A fund where nonprofit organizations utilizing Salesforce NPSP can account for money set aside for a specific use or restriction. Clients using Payology Check Scanning for NPSP can allocate checks to a fund or split funds between one or more GAUs.
Salesforce NPSP allows for appeals or sub-solicitations which are subgroups of campaigns. Nonprofits using Payology Check Scanning for Salesforce can apply checks to appeals or sub-solicitations.
Types of donations which are received by a nonprofit organization. This includes but is not limited to One-time Gift, One-time Gift with Soft Credit, Grant, In-Kind, Major Gift, Matching Donation, and Membership.
Soft credits allow nonprofit organizations to track and acknowledge constituents who may not make donations directly, but who have considerable influence over the decision to make donations.
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